Home Apex Legends How Many People Play Apex Legends? Concurrent and Highest Ever Players
How many people play Apex Legends

How Many People Play Apex Legends? Concurrent and Highest Ever Players

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Apex Legends is definitely one of the most popular Battle Royales, but how many people still play it? The game has had some peaks and valleys. Highs and lows for the Apex Legends player count. It initially launched with a huge spike in Apex Legends concurrent players, but it dropped off after that. But that wasn’t the end of the surprises when asking how many people play Apex Legends

It came back. Good update after good update meant the player base grew. Suddenly more people than ever were following Apex Legends news and watching for new content. The game even reached a new peak years after many players had forgotten about it. That comeback is kind of in the rear-view mirror now though.

How many people play Apex Legends in 2024? It’s a bit tricky We have a few ways of assessing the current player count on some platforms. Apex Legends on PC is easy enough since we get live data from Steam. On Console, it’s trickier. Looking at the stats available though, we can assemble a decent picture of how big the Apex Legends player count is and what the trends have been.

How Many People Play Apex Legends?

Apex Legends is available on a few different platforms. If you want to know how big the player count is, we have to look at each of these. The first is the easiest for us to judge, how many people play Apex Legends on PC

Apex Legends PC Player Count

How many people play Apex LegendsOn PC, there are a few ways to pay Apex but we get a live Apex player count on Steam. Since this is the most popular platform, that’s definitely convenient! With live Steam numbers, we can get an accurate idea of how many people play Apex Legends.

In 2024, Apex Legends has had an average monthly player count of around 150,000-180,000. However, there have been some clear trends outside of that like highs for Apex Legends concurrent players.

The player count has roughly trended down. With March seeing an average player count of 189,000. It then gradually fell month to month, before reaching around 109,000 in September.

If this average continues on this trend, we could see how many people play Apex Legends to dip below 100,000 by the end of the year. This would be a clear sign of a downtrend in the Apex Legends player count.

Apex Legends Concurrent Players

In terms of concurrent players, Apex Legends’ recent high was just under 500,000 players. Although, in some months the most concurrent players at any one time was as low as 200,000. Most times of the day the number will be well below this though.

How Many People Play Apex Legends on Console?

How many people play Apex LegendsThat’s Steam, but the Apex player count goes beyond that. How many people play on console? Frustratingly, there’s no way to know this.

Console makers do not make download figures public. We can’t realistically judge how many players are booting up on console. Although, if the playability of the game is any indication there likely aren’t that many players on Switch.

We can assume there’s an okay player base on some consoles. PlayStation exclusive games like FF have chosen to collaborate with Apex Legends over other Battle Royales. Although, we still don’t have Lego Apex skins.

It’s frustrating that there’s no way of knowing how many people play Apex Legends on console. In terms of trend though, we can infer it goes in a similar pattern to the data we do have. This means the player base is quite a bit past its second higher peak.

Ape Legends Player Count Highest Highs and Lowest Lows

How many people play Apex LegendsThat’s the current count and the Apex Legends concurrent player count. What about its all-time high and lowest low though? How does the Apex Legends player count measure up against the game’s glory days?

In terms of raw player numbers, Apex reached a peak of over 600,000 players in 2023! The initial launch of the game was huge too, but after dropping Apex gradually built back up until it reached this great new high for the game. Although, it’s been dripping down gradually ever since. The answer to how many people play Apex Legends has been going down since 2023.

The game hasn’t quite approached its lowest point ever again yet. Early 2021 had fewer average players online. Although, the difference is getting lower and lower. If nothing is done about this, we could see the Apex Legends player count reach a new low soon. Although, the count of Apex Legends skins isn’t going anywhere but up.

What Does a Game’s Player Count Mean?

How many people play Apex LegendsThat’s how the Apex Legends player count looks, but what does it actually mean? A lot of players use the Apex player data to chart how popular the game is. To see when the title was at its most and least popular in overall averages and Apex Legends concurrent players.

At the moment, it is clear Apex isn’t quite at the height of popularity like it was in the past. Although, it’s important to keep in mind that its player numbers are still healthy.

It might not be Fortnite player count levels of interest, but compared to most live service titles Apex is healthy. Even Overwatch, which itself gets tons of updates, doesn’t have this kind of player count month to month.

While the game isn’t in its prime, it has built back up from lower before. Apex is a game that goes through cycles, and the Apex Legends player base could rise up quite a bit from here.

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