Pokemon Fire Red is the game that started it all, well one of a couple of versions that started it all. If you’re returning to the very earliest days of the Pokémon franchise, you might find things a bit slower than it seemed when this was all brand new! When fans have already played it a hundred times, they might be looking for ways to spice up a run. One way to do that is with Pokemon Fire Red Cheats.
Pokemon Fire Red GBA cheats aren’t the optimal way to play the game, but they are a unique experience. In the modern day, where digging out your GBA link cables is a bit unrealistic, these can be the only ways to actually max out your Pokedex. On top of that there’s ones that let you streamline things to experience the first title a bit faster, like Pokemon Fire Cheats walk through walls.
The original Pokemon games aren’t among the best mobile gaming titles natively, but with emulators they’re easy to play on pretty much any platform. These are the top cheats and how you install them to mix things up your new playthrough:
All Pokemon Fire Red GBA Cheats
Pokemon Fire Red Cheats Rare Candy
- 82025840 0044
Rare Candys are a particularly interesting item in Pokemon, moving your monster up by a whole level without grinding. On mass, they can really take the grind out of the game. This Pokemon Fire Red rare candy cheat can mean you don’t have to grind from area to area and can just experience the storyline of the game.
Unlimited Masterballs
- 82025840 0001
If you don’t want to mess around when catching Pokemon, you’re looking for the Pokemon Master Ball Cheat. This one lets you use unlimited Masterballs to instantly capture any Pokemon you come across.
Pokemon Fire Red Cheats Walk Through Walls
- 509197d3 542975f4        78da95df        44018cb4
This cheat lets you do something that we cud only imagine back on the game boy. Walk through walls. Very useful for cutting across closed off areas. Plus, you can actually go and look under that truck for Mew! The Legendary Pokemon isn’t there, contrary to so many playground rumours but it can’t hurt to check with these Pokemon Fire Red GBA cheats
Catch Opponent’s Pokemon
- 4D83B1BF E0F5F507Â Â Â Â Â Â Â 8E883EFFÂ Â Â Â Â Â Â 92E9660DÂ Â Â Â Â Â B6C5368AÂ Â Â Â Â Â 08BE8FF4Â Â Â Â Â Â Â 90B4977CÂ Â Â Â Â Â C0151DC2
Important: You need to press LR before using Pokeball
This one lets you snatch enemy trainer’s Pokemon. Became a thief! Game Freak have never actually delivered on a Team Rocket game (although, some Pokemon fan games have tried), so outside of the GameCube title’s Snag mechanic this is the only way to steal Pokemon. It’s cool to get the feature from Pokemon Fire Red cheats.
Fast Egg Hatching
Master Code (Needs Enabling First)
- 97726CAE 9184Â Â Â 8FAAA5CÂ Â Â Â Â Â Â Â 15FEÂ Â Â B85E5A77Â Â Â Â Â Â 0386
Egg Hatching Cheat Code
With this code your eggs will hatch within a few steps rather than having to circle around a town until it comes out. Egg hatching has always been one of the most tedious parts of the game, so it’s nice t speed this up.
All Fire Red TM and HM Cheats
If you want to replace an item with a specific TM or HM to select your own moves, there’s a simple code for them. You need to use this main code for any HM or tm, followed by a specific 4 numbers depending on the exact TM you want to use.
- 82025840
After this, these are the extra four digits to add if you want to get a specific TM or HM
- TM 01 Focus Punch – 0121
- TM 02 Dragon Call – 0122
- TM 03 Water Pulse – 0123
- TM 04 Calm Mind – 0124
- TM 05 Roar – 0125
- TM 06 Toxic – 0126
- TM 07 Toxic – 0127
- TM 08 Bulk Up – 0128
- TM 09 Bullet Seed – 0129
- TM 10 Hidden Power – 012A
- TM 11 Sunny Day – 012B
- TM 12 Taunt – 012C
- TM 13 ice Beam – 012D
- TM 14 Blizzard – 012E
- TM 15 Hyper Beam – 012F
- TM 16 Light Screen – 0130
- TM 17 Protect – 0131
- TM 18 Rain Dance – 0132
- TM 19 Giga Drain – 0133
- TM 20 Safeguard – 0134
- TM 21 Frustration – 0135
- TM 22 Solar Beam – 0136
- TM 23 Iron Tail – 0137
- TM 24 Thunderbolt – 0138
- TM 25 Thunder – 0139
- TM 26 Earthquake – 013A
- TM 27 Return – 013B
- TM 28 Dig – 013C
- TM 29 Psychic – 013D
- TM 30 Shadow Ball – 013E
- TM 31 Brick Break – 013F
- TM 32 Double Team – 0140
- TM 33 Reflect -0141
- TM 34 Shock Wave – 0142
- TM 35 Flamethrower – 0143
- TM 36 Sludge Bomb – 0144
- TM 37 Sandstorm – 0145
- TM 38 Fire Blast – 0146
- TM 39 Rock Tomb – 0147
- TM 40 Aerial Ace – 0148
- TM 41 Torment – 0149
- TM 42 Façade – 014A
- TM 43 Secret Power – 014B
- TM 44 Rest – 014C
- TM 45 Attract – 014D
- TM 46 Thief – 014E
- TM 47 Steel Wing – 014F
- TM 48 Skill Swap -0150
- TM 49 Snatch – 0151
- TM 50 Overheat – 0152
- HM 01 Cut – 0153
- HM 02 Fly – 0154
- HM 03 Surf – 0155
- HM 04 Strength – 0156
- HM 05 Flash – 0157
- HM 06 Rock Smash – 0158
- HM 07 Waterfall – 0159
- HM 08 Dive – 015A
All Pokemart Items $1
- 3C25A344 FD8F451C Â Â Â Â Â Â AD86124FÂ Â Â Â Â Â 2823D8DA
Money isn’t too hard to come by, but if you don’t want to fight opponents to buy something this code gives you unlimited cash.
EXP Share Pokemon Fire Red GBA Cheats
- 82025840 00B6
This one gives you the EXP Share item. A really useful tool for spreading experience around more than one Pokemon at the end of battles.
No Random Battles
- D41DD0CA 33A629E5Â Â Â Â Â Â Â 8E883EFFÂ Â Â Â Â Â Â 92E9660D
Random encounters are some of the most irritating parts of turn based games. This gets rid of them! Permanently, no more chaining repels with these Pokemon Fire Red Cheats.
Get All Starter Pokermon
- 83000F9C 0000
The hardest choice in any Pokemon game is which starter to take. With this code you can get all three! Great if you prefer to do things like the Pokemon Anime, although you still won’t run into Squirtle gang even with the code.
Infinite PP
- 42023C08 6363Â Â Â 00000002Â Â Â Â Â Â Â 0002
PP is a bit of a limiter in Pokemon. The only thing stopping you from spamming a single move over and over. Not anymore though! Infinite PP Pokemon Fire Red cheats mean you can use the same move forever without running out.
1-Hit kills – Pokemon Fire Red GBA Cheats
- 95EDFBBA A5A72A78Â Â Â Â Â Â C833D1A0Â Â Â Â Â Â 02FA7205
If spamming one move doesn’t do it, how about killing in a single knock? These cheats for 1 hit kills can let you glide through the game. Almost like playing on a story only mode.
All Wild Pokemon Are Shinys
- 39584B19 d80CC66AÂ Â Â Â Â Â CE71B3D3Â Â Â Â Â Â 1F6A85FBÂ Â Â Â Â Â Â 198DF179Â Â Â Â Â Â 5413C867Â Â Â Â Â Â Â 73ECB8A0Â Â Â Â Â Â BDD8B251Â Â Â Â Â Â D5AFFB37Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â 6855972CÂ Â Â Â Â Â Â 73ECB8A0Â Â Â Â Â Â BDD8B251
This one of the cheats makes every Pokemon a shiny. Less useful since you can’t take Pokemon here to other games, but a nice change if you’re a shiny hunter in official releases.
Versions and Pokemon Fire Red GBA Cheats
We’ve listed cheats for the most commonly available Pokemon Fire Red GBA ROM. Specifically, the US 1.0. Different releases have different cheats, but these should work for the Fire Red release.
Try to keep an eye on what version you’re using for Cheats. The most commonly emulated versions will have the easiest accessible cheats in the game.Â
How to Use Pokemon Fire Red cheats
these are the main cheats you’ll want to try, but how can you even get them working? It depends a bit on how you’re playing. If you’re playing Pokemon on iOs, it’s fairly simple to use cheats with the Delta app. These are the steps for most emulators you’ll play Pokemon on:
- Open up the Menu
- Select Cheats
- Click the plus or Add button to Add a Cheat
- Name it, so you know what you’re using
- Input the Cheat Code
- Save it
- Enable it
- Restarting your game (usually helps)
This will roughly match how you can do it on Pokémon Fire Red on Android too. Most emulators will have this same system for cheats, so it’s just a matter of toggling the cheat you want to use on and getting on with your game!